tagged with: Forrester
Blog Post
The holy grail of post-recession business will be profitable growth. The very idea of profitable growth is full of contradiction, as growth generally requires investment. With revenues unlikely to outpace that investment in what economists are predicting will be an anemic, drawn-out recovery, companies that have already been doing a lot of cost cutting will have to become even more efficient. This will put unusual pressure on executives to place the right bets when it comes to investments (based on strong customer insight and market knowledge). And it will require excellent management abilities and flexible, responsive, lower-cost IT.
Blog Post
I've been ignoring my feed reader lately, so I'm spending the morning going through the many (many) posts that have been written since my last review. Lots of great stuff. Here are my favorites from the past week or two:
Forrester CEO George Colony crowd-sourced development of his social media panel at Davos next week. This is a great way to find out what people are interested in learning about right now - I've used this myself to generate panel questions. He got some interesting and thoughtful responses.
Two of Nick Carr's recent posts were thought-provoking. Most recently he brought readers' attention to William Deresiewicz's article "The End of Solitude" in the new edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education. I love the line, "Loneliness is not the absence of company, it is grief over that absence." Carr doesn't say much about it himself, but reader comments are interesting.